Overview of the Firm

Founded in September 2013, JEI Investment Management, LLC is committed to producing superior long-term returns for its clients through managing investment portfolios primarily comprised of US-listed, long-only equities in pursuit of long-term capital appreciation.

We believe that the best way to do so is by focusing on owning the stocks of companies that produce exceptional free cash flow growth at a reasonable price (FCF GARP), as outlined in our "Philosophy" section. 

We generally focus on small and mid-cap companies in our portfolios, believing they are more likely to exhibit exceptional FCF GARP than their larger-cap peers.

Also, we generally seek to have a 3 year or more holding period of investments, believing that it often takes time for the market to recognize the value of these companies, and that our patience will be rewarded. 

​Finally, we do not employ financial leverage or trade on margin or invest in illiquid securities, as we believe these practices negate the largest advantage equity investors have: time.​